
Prepare your body with specific training to meet the demands of the upcoming competition.


Use the physical capacities you have developed to achieve your best performance.


Evaluate your preparation and performance to progress as a total athlete.


Why Guzman Performance?

Guzman Performance is for the competitive athlete looking for individualized speed, strength, and skills training. Our mission is to spearhead a new era of performance training in soccer by bringing knowledge from the front lines of professional sport and making it accessible to athletes and coaches with elite goals. We are passionate about educating, coaching, and developing soccer players who want to incorporate training methods used by the top pros in the world. Using a science-backed approach, we create a performance training environment that develops athleticism while focusing on positional skill work. Our goal is for athletes of all ages to leave every GP interaction with more knowledge of how to move better, get stronger, and ultimately play better by using strength and conditioning as a powerful tool to reach their desired results.

About Us
Let's train


In addition to our On-Your-Own Performance Programs available for purchase, we offer Monthly Online Training, Monthly In-Person Training and One-Time Day Clinics for large groups. Regardless of the route you choose, we are confident you will find success with the GP method!

Guzman Performance is based in South Orange County, CA and accommodates in-person training for athletes from Los Angeles to San Diego.

Success Stories

some of the world-class athletes Daniel has had the pleasure of working with

"I got to train with Daniel during my time with LA Galaxy. He helped me maintain a high level of fitness and I would recommend him to any athlete looking to maximize their performance."

Landon Donovan

"Daniel is smart, invested, and passionate when he trains his athletes. He individualized the best plan for me and has a very personal approach to training."

Steven Gerrard

“Daniel helped me perform well on the field and I really enjoyed working with him. He kept me strong and fast and he knew what movements were best for my playing style.”

Carlos Vela

Find your gym

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1234 Ash Dr. San Jose, South
Dakota 56789


4545 Washington Ave. Manchester,
Kentucky 12301

it's go time

performance programs

Foundational Strength
$ 59.99 USD
$ 0.00 USD
6 weeks

For the athlete looking to get stronger and stay durable on the field.

$ 0.00 USD

Conditioning program coming soon.

Let’s connect and see how GP can meet your performance needs.
